Soft Furnishings Deconstruction Programme

In November 2016, we began a three-month pilot project for Flintshire County Council to ensure that no item of soft furnishings - sofas, armchairs and beds, etc - ended up as landfill.
We deconstruct items like chairs and sofa’s to their component parts to ensure they are all recyclable, and those identified for reuse are cleaned, repaired and recycled back into the community.
Since the programme began we have deconstructed more than 6,300 items, diverted almost 270 tonnes from landfill and recycled over 6,800 items (205 tonnes) - as well as delivering a recycling awareness campaign at all of the Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) in Flintshire.
This programme has recently received a National Environment Award at the WCVA Annual Awards.
'Since its inception, REFURBS has seen the reuse rates at some of the HRC's rise significantly, from as low as five per cent in November 2016 to 50% in October 2017,' said Refurbs General Manager Kevin Barry.
Following a recent extension, the pilot continues, generating significant results and also offering employability, training, volunteering and work placement opportunities to those in the community who are furthest away from the job market.