Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling

Recycling of WEEE is now a specialist part of the waste and recycling industry. It is a rapidly growing subsector due largely to the implementation of the WEEE Directive in the UK by the WEEE Regulations in 2006, setting stringent recycling targets due to events such as the digital TV switchover.
We are certified Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATF) and Designated Collection Facilities (DCF).
That means we can collect WEEE and carry out the reuse and recycling of large domestic appliances. Our operation is quite impressive and we are happy to show you round our facilities.
We issue “evidence notes” to the Environment Agency as part of the Europe wide attempt to reduce end of life electrical waste and to show that a certain tonnage and category of WEEE has been re-used, recycled or recovered by us.