Immediate Management of Anaphylaxis : 1 Day course

A cost effective way of delivering training to a number of staff, we come to your workplace and deliver directly to your workforce. We can also tailor the training to suit the Staff and Business needs including delivering evening and weekend training.

An anaphylactic shock, or anaphylaxis, is a life-threatening, serious allergic reaction to an allergen such as food substances or insect stings. If it is not treated appropriately, it may cause death. This training is for qualified First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders to enable them to recognise and treat anaphylaxis safely and effectively.

This course is suitable for all First Aiders and healthcare professionals, as well as those in a high risk environment where such medication is available.


This is a classroom-based course of 6 contact hours. Dependent on the learner's experience, there may well be some pre-course or post-course reading.

This qualification lasts for 3 years. To renew the qualification, learners will need to retake the full course. However, it is recommended that during the

3-year period, the learners attend annual refresher courses.

A maximum of 12 learners  can be accommodated on this course.

For more information or to book courses with Groundwork, contact the Training Team on 01978 757524 or email