Fire Warden/Marshall Training Half Day Course
A cost effective way of delivering training to a number of staff, we come to your workplace and deliver directly to your workforce. We can also tailor the training to suit the staff and business needs including delivering evening and weekend training.
Contact us for further information and for a competitive quote.
The importance of fire safety in the workplace is underpinned by health and safety legislation that places a duty on employers to establish policies and procedures and ensure their employees receive appropriate training. This course is designed for all employees as an introduction to fire awareness. It deals with how fires can occur and what to do in the event of a fire. The qualification also provides a foundation for those employees who want to develop their basic fire safety awareness in order to assist their employer by undertaking more specific fire safety roles in the workplace to manage fire risk (e.g. as fire wardens/marshals/stewards etc.).
A minimum of 4 contact hours in the classroom.
A level 1 national qualification will be issued to the learner subject to successfully completing the test paper.
A maximum of 16 learners can be accommodated on this course.
A cost effective way of delivering training to a number of staff, we come to your workplace and deliver directly to your workforce. We can also tailor the training to suit the Staff and Business needs including delivering evening and weekend training. Contact us for further information and for a competitive quote on 01978 757524 or email