Elwyn lives on a limited income, in a three-bedroom house with his wife. He was keen to speak to the Green Doctors about bringing the cost of his energy bills down as they were struggling to afford to keep warm.

We offer a FREE green doctor programme, designed to reduce fuel bills and household expenditure. A trained advisor can assist in switching energy providers, accessing discounts, reducing water tariffs, fitting small energy efficiency measures and dealing with fuel debt. They can also refer to other agencies for additional support.

OUR service means households can benefit from:

  • Lower fuel bills
  • Free energy saving equipment installed
  • Reduced  carbon emissions
  • Free energy saving advice from fully qualified  Energy Assessors
  • Tailored advice suitable for your needs



"Our bungalow has always been quite cold, especially for my wife who feels the chill easily. The Green Doctor installed a reflective panel behind the living room radiator to help keep in the heat and gave us some energy saving bulbs which will definitely help. When you get older, there’s a fear about who to speak to about things like bills, especially when you don’t have access to a computer. Since speaking to the Green Doctor, I feel a lot more confident about handling our energy bills and getting the best price. I couldn’t believe it when the Green Doctor saved us over £900 a year simply by switching suppliers.”

150 rural homes visited504 Energy EfficiencySaved