A celebration was held on Tuesday 30th January 2018 to showcase the achievements of a new programme that rejuvenated a Youth Club garden and gave people over the age of 25 new skills. At the event volunteers from Groundwork North Wales’ Task Team programme celebrated their hard work at the Old School, Douglas Road, Colwyn Bay.

Task Team is a new initiative supported by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government Innovation Fund for people over 25 years old living in a Communities First cluster. Groundwork North Wales is running the project along with their partner Communities for Work.
The volunteers who signed up for Task Team put in over 342 volunteering hours into the 12 week project, spending two days a week learning new skills on an accredited course on volunteering and first aid, as well as tackling a practical project and making a difference to the local community by regenerating the garden area behind The Old School in Douglas Road. The outdoor space was used as a dumping ground for passers-by and was in dire need of new ideas and colour!
The Task Team volunteers have gained new confidence, had new experiences and worked as part of a prosperous team, resulting in positive outcomes such as progressing onto new qualifications such as improved literacy skills and horticultural skills.
Dana Batts, Community Project Officer at Groundwork North Wales said:" I'm so proud of everybody who's been involved in the project; it's been amazing to watch them progress and gain such confidence in their own abilities. They've made lifelong friends and have learnt skills that will no doubt help them in the future."
Shaun from Colwyn Bay joined the Task Team to gain new skills. He stated" At the beginning of Task Team I was unsure and reluctant to volunteer, due to my low self-esteem and confidence. As the weeks progressed I have become more confident and content. I am really glad that I have had the opportunity to volunteer, as I have now made new friends, but also learnt practical skills, like building planters and bird boxes, that I hope I can put into practice. Additionally it makes me feel good within to help the community"
Shaun now hopes to join the Men's Shed scheme to further his skills and abilities.