Funded by Scottish Power Energy People Trust, our Fuel Efficient Families programme was designed to target rural fuel poverty by exploring domestic energy usage and the ways in which it can be minimised using a whole family approach.

By introducing the topic at a young age, the aim is for pupils to adopt energy conservation tactics in the home. The programme does this in a twofold manner; by educating Year 5 and 6 pupils in local primary schools and also by offering their families free Green Doctor visits in order to evaluate and minimise energy expenditure. The primary aims of the programme being to minimise stress, keep homes warmer and thereby improve householder health by reducing the effects of long term health conditions such as COPD, asthma and various heart conditions.

The Green Doctor Visit provides a wraparound service for vulnerable people which includes:

Winter Warmer packs – increasing personal warmth.

Small measures – providing energy efficient measures to increase warmth retained in each property.

Behaviour change – providing advice tailored to personal circumstances.

Emergency heating – purchasing energy-efficient oil-filled radiators where no heating is found.

Benefit checks – guiding people who might be eligible for unclaimed benefits.

Signposting and referrals – helping householders access support such as debt advice, family intervention, carer services and grants for more extensive energy efficiency measures.

Black lane primary school

“The kids loved it! They were engaged from the word go and it gave them the experience to really get to grips with some simple energy efficiency hints and tips. Highly recommended”

“I’m sure their parents will be grateful for the hints on how to reduce energy usage at home. Thank you!”